

At Croxley Danes School, carefully planned and targeted assessment and intervention ensures that everyone at the school, regardless of their needs, are given opportunities to succeed and be well prepared for the next stage of their education.

As all students progress at different rates, there may be times when a teacher feels that an individual may benefit from additional support.

We support students with a range of needs in the following areas:

  • Communication and interaction

  • Cognition and learning

  • Social, mental and emotional health

  • Sensory and/or physical

There is a dedicated Learning Support team led by Mrs C Lewis (Lead SENCO), Ms. L White (SENCO), comprising of Learning Support Practitioners (LSP) and Administration. The SENCO can be contacted via the administrator, Mrs. T Jordan email:

The majority of support is provided in class to ensure students have access to teacher support and, where appropriate, an LSP will assist in lessons. Priority of this support is given to core subjects but is also needs-based. All support will aim to encourage independence of the students.

Additional support may take the form of:

  • One to one or small-group targeted intervention

  • Additional English and Maths small-group lessons in replacement of Modern Foreign Language (MFL) at Key stage 3.

  • Link workers for all students with an EHCP

  • Other provisions as listed on our SEND information report

We work closely with parents to achieve the best outcomes for their son/daughter and decisions to offer a reduced curriculum or extra support are made in conjunction with parents. Parents can contact the department by phone or via email.

For more information please see our SEND information report and the local offer.