
Extra Curriculum

At Croxley Danes, we believe that extra-curricular activities are extremely important in enthusing and engaging the students whilst broadening their horizons, developing new skills and contributing to students' personal and social development. A range of enrichment activities will be available to all Croxley Danes students each day, either at lunch time or after school, complementing the learning which takes place in the timetabled curriculum.

The regular, varied and ongoing programme of enrichment activities enables students to widen their experience and develop specific skills. Some of these opportunities are linked to the curriculum whilst others are ‘one-off’ events and visits.  Our proposed programme will include:

  • competitions
  • visits
  • drama productions
  • field trips
  • visiting experts
  • interest groups – art, drama, dance etc.
  • sports training
  • book club; maths investigations
  • language clubs
  • enrichment days – temporary suspension of timetable for special activities;
  • business and/or community projects
  • mini-enterprises and
  • enterprise days and events.

All students aged fourteen and over will also have the opportunity of taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award programmes to inspire, guide and support them in their self-development. 

The enrichment activities are delivered and supervised by teaching staff and support staff from Croxley Danes. 

Please see the link below for the Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities for the Autumn Term:



Extra Curricular Date  
Local learning area guidance 13th Sep 2023 Download
Super Curriculum opportunities 09th Mar 2023 Download